Monday 24 May 2021

Step by step: learn how to use ERP software in accounting.


Taking care of a company's accounting is definitely not an easy task. It is necessary to consider personnel expenses, supervise contracts with suppliers and customers, deal with tax obligations, make and monitor investments, in addition to many other activities. And all of this must be done without missing deadlines, always keeping an eye on the overall financial balance.

 In the past, to account for so many details, it was necessary to manually feed and control many spreadsheets. Only in this way was it possible to deal with such a varied and numerous mass of accounting data. It was, therefore, a slow, bureaucratic and very delicate activity. However, thanks to technological advances, this reality has been changing from water to wine.

 Thanks to ERP Accounting Software solutions in UAE, it has become infinitely easier to handle all these numbers in a fluid, automated and secure way. Do you want to know how this is possible? So keep following today's post!

 Understand ERP software

 ERP: this is the acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning or, in good Portuguese, a business management system. ERP software is a program that centralizes your company's information in one place, making the real monitoring of the business a more accessible and agile task.

 For this, it is divided into modules (such as sales, inventory and  Human Resources ), which are fed in an automated or manual manner and, most importantly, are integrated into a single interface. So you can analyze the numbers of Human Resources together with the accounting and tax information of your company, for example.

 Automate your processes

 Some of the tasks in the accounting area are quite repetitive and time consuming. Launches of water, electricity and rent bills, for example, are repeated month by month. But you don't need to write them monthly, you know?

 A  good ERP software  can automate this type of release. So, without any direct human intervention, he already considers the daily expenses of his business. In addition to streamlining processes , automation also reduces the risk of  human error , avoiding its consequent losses and rework.

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Control cash flow

 If you don't already know, it's time to know: cash flow is a very important metric to monitor the financial health of absolutely any company. So it is important that you monitor it in real time.

 With an ERP software, you can see the entries and exits practically immediately, still foreseeing future financial movements that are already registered. This is the case with the purchase of certain equipment or the  payment of taxes , for example.

 Track the right metrics

 Each type of business requires the monitoring of specific metrics, right? For e-commerce, for example, it is essential to find out how many visits to the online store are converting into sales. But what about your company?

 The important thing is to know that, in the business management software, you select the indicators that really matter, having easy access to them to be able to analyze each one individually or in parallel. Thus, you have the data that matters always available to make strategic decisions with the right foundation.

 Observe business evolution

 We have already spoken briefly here about the importance of the ERP system for monitoring (in real time) the accounting movements of your company. But the system is also an important repository of data about the business!

 This information can be consulted at any time so that you can compare what the company was like months ago and how it is progressing now. With that in hand, it becomes much easier to define the best way to achieve your goals for the future!

 Do you want to know more about how ERP software can help your company management? Get in touch and know our solutions!


Sunday 16 May 2021


 The data and information that companies handle are increasingly essential to run a retail business, and one of the best tools they can use to manage it is business Customized accounting software. Due to the advancement of technology and globalization, companies need a great deal of information in order to understand their customers, detect and anticipate trends with the right products, and create successful campaigns.

 Data is critical to the success of retailers, but at the same time, it is not enough just to have it. There is surprising information in the data you collect daily in your business, but you need the right tools to extract it. The solution that has been used the most in recent years is Business Intelligence (BI).

 With a BI solution, they can transform the information they collect into an invaluable source of knowledge and, ultimately, revenue. It allows you to consolidate information from multiple data sources into a single, clear snapshot of your business. As a result, it's easier to monitor your key metrics, such as sales, performance per salesperson, or over-budget revenue. It can also help you capture data entry issues in a timely manner.


 If they have companies that collect data, they will benefit from a BI solution. So if you wonder when should you install a solution? The answer is as soon as possible, especially if you are in the implementation of a new ERP system. Far from making things more complicated, the BI system will complement the ERP implementation.

 In many cases, implementing a predefined Business Intelligence solution for your ERP system will take only a few hours or a few days at most, depending on the size of the database. If your company already uses a standard ERP solution, implementing the BI solution is faster and easier.

 Until a few years ago, BI solutions were designed for large companies and required large investments during implementation and extensive IT resources to maintain them. This is no longer the case today, as they are increasingly accessible, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, as cloud solutions offer retail companies of any size the opportunity to deploy, configure and use. the latest analysis tools without the need for special knowledge.

 Cloud-based BI is also often available at a subscription price which makes it an affordable solution for companies that cannot afford a large initial investment. Even better, free trials are often available to test and see if it is the best solution for your needs.

 To choose the version that is right for you, you must begin by analyzing your needs and your environment; the choice will depend on several factors, such as company culture, technology, and internal skill set. The most versatile that adapts to any company is SAP Business One software, the market leader in business management. If you want to implement it in your company, contact the experts at aaa - cas, where our consultants will support you with their extensive experience.

Read also: Are you looking for Auditors in UAE

Friday 7 May 2021


 Business intelligence software is called a set of strategies for the creation of business knowledge from data analysis, that is, it is the ability to transform data into information and knowledge. This is essential, since it is not only a matter of collecting, or even analyzing the information, but of processing it, turning it into a suitable reference for decision-making.

 Properly implemented, it acts as a strategic factor generating a competitive advantage, based on the ability to acquire privileged information: entry into new markets, financial control, cost optimization, production planning, analysis of customer profiles, profitability.

 Among the fundamental characteristics of business intelligence are:

 Observation through data collection.

  • Comprehension, thanks to the analysis and crossing of data.
  • Prediction, given by understanding the evolution of the data that allows prospecting.
  • Collaboration, through the circulation of results and cooperation between departments.
  • Decision, through which knowledge is converted into actions.


 There are many benefits in the implementation of this system, such as support in making decisions that are no longer taken blindly, the accessibility of information, which will now circulate in a timely manner among those responsible and interested, and better planning, benefiting among others. things for a significant time saver.

 Business Consultant in UAE, like SAP software, is translated into a set of methodologies, applications and technologies to gather purify and transform data from transactional systems and unstructured information into structured information, suitable for analysis and transformation into knowledge. BI systems and components differ from other systems, such as operational ones, in that they are optimized for acquiring and disseminating data.

 By making use of this system, they will gain competitiveness compared to other businesses, which will not only improve the performance of their companies, but will also be able to face unexpected problems and be faster in innovation.

 If you have already been convinced to implement a system, we invite you to contact phone at 97142287774 for more information and in Monterrey by email: . We are specialists in the ERP SAP Business One system, the best business intelligence solution for your businesses.

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